That Green Dot- maybe your best friend in disguise

Hey there, fellow hybrid workers, virtual hosts, content creators or anyone who uses Zoom. Here are some virtual hosting wisdom that's guaranteed to level up your game. Today, I want to talk about something that might seem small but packs a mighty punch when it comes to connecting with your audience: the infamous green dot on your computer screen.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Ana, why should I care about a tiny dot when I'm in the middle of an interview or hosting a show?" Well, buckle up because I'm about to spill the tea on why that little green dot is your new best friend.

First things first, let's address the elephant in the room: eye contact. In a traditional face-to-face setting, making eye contact is a no-brainer. But in the virtual world, it's a whole different ball game. That's where the green dot comes in handy. When you're speaking to your audience or interviewing a guest, focusing on the green dot gives the illusion of eye contact, creating a more personal and engaging experience for your viewers.

Next up, let's talk about body language. Believe it or not, your body language still matters even when you're behind a screen. By keeping your eye on the green dot, you're more likely to maintain good posture and appear attentive and engaged. Plus, it helps minimize distractions and keeps you from awkwardly staring off into space (we've all been there, am I right?).

But perhaps the most important reason to pay attention to the green dot is the message it sends to your audience. When you're locked in and focused on that little beacon of light, it shows that you're present, professional, and ready to rock the virtual stage. And let's face it, in a world where virtual fatigue is real, anything you can do to keep your audience's attention is a win in my book.

So there you have it, folks. The next time you find yourself in front of the camera, remember to keep your eye on the green dot. Trust me, it may seem like a small detail, but mastering this simple technique can make all the difference in the world when it comes to hosting successful virtual interviews and shows. Now go forth and shine bright like that little green dot!


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